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“How to Build Credit: Tips Beyond Bank Accounts”


Do Bank Accounts Help You Build Credit?

Bank accounts are essential for managing and safeguarding your money, but they typically don’t contribute to building your credit. Most banking activities aren’t reported to credit bureaus, so they don’t directly impact your credit score. However, some fintech companies offer checking accounts and debit cards that can help you get credit for your banking activity, though these are not yet widespread.

Maintaining a healthy balance or an emergency fund can indirectly protect your credit by preventing missed payments due to unexpected expenses. Additionally, having savings might help you qualify for secured credit cards or loans, which can aid in building credit.

Bank Accounts Can Affect Getting New Credit

While conventional bank account activities don’t affect your credit scores, they can influence your ability to get approved for a mortgage. Mortgage lenders review bank statements to assess your financial stability. High assets and stable finances can indicate lower risk, making it easier to secure a loan.

Some consumers may benefit from linking their bank accounts to generate an UltraFICO score, which considers factors like account longevity, transaction frequency, positive balances, and consistent cash availability. Although not widely available yet, this could offer more options and better terms for some borrowers.

How to Build Credit

Even though bank accounts aren’t part of your credit history, there are several ways to build good credit:

Secured or Unsecured Credit Cards

Credit cards, whether secured or unsecured, are reported to credit bureaus. Paying on time and keeping balances low can help build credit. Late payments can damage your credit score, so timely payments are crucial. Using a small portion of your credit limit and keeping accounts open can also positively impact your credit.

It’s important to note that debit cards, despite their similarity to credit cards, do not affect your credit score as they draw money directly from your bank account.

Authorized-User Status

Being an authorized user on someone else’s credit card allows you to make purchases without being responsible for the bill. This can benefit your credit limit and payment record, though its impact on your creditworthiness may be limited.

Installment Loans

Installment loans, such as student loans, cellphone loans, credit-builder loans, car loans, and mortgages, are generally reported to credit bureaus. Paying on time helps build credit, while late payments can harm your score. Credit scores favor a mix of revolving credit (like credit cards) and installment loans.

The Bottom Line

In general, bank accounts don’t help build credit. However, managing your money well and sticking to a budget can aid in responsible credit management. If you’re new to credit, money in your bank account can serve as a security deposit for a secured credit card or loan. Using credit cards responsibly and paying on time can lead to a good credit score. Installment loans can also help establish a positive payment history.

If you haven’t had credit before, you can create a credit report with Experian Go™, which will help you determine the best strategy for building credit.

For any mortgage-related needs, feel free to call O1ne Mortgage at 213-732-3074. We’re here to help you navigate your financial journey with confidence.


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