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Dorchester Center, MA 02124
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304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124
When you’re starting or growing a business, the business structure you choose can significantly impact your profits, legal risks, growth prospects, and more. Corporations, sole proprietorships, and partnerships each have their unique advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we’ll explore these business structures in detail to help you make an informed decision.
A corporation is a business entity that exists independently of its owners, reducing the owners’ liability risk. Small businesses typically use one of three types of corporate structures: C corporation, S corporation, or limited liability company (LLC).
A C corporation is the standard corporate structure—what most people think of when they think of incorporating. You incorporate by filing documents with your state. Corporations can issue stock to an unlimited number of shareholders, which gives them great flexibility to raise money from investors.
An S corporation is similar to a C corporation in most respects, including liability protection, filing with the state, and compliance requirements. The major differences are how taxes and shares are treated. Unlike the double taxation that C corporations pay, S corporation owners’ profits are taxed as personal income. In addition, S corporations are more restricted in issuing shares.
An LLC combines the tax advantages of a sole proprietorship or partnership with the protection from liability of a corporation. LLCs are typically the easiest and least expensive corporate structure to establish and operate. There are fewer documents to file and fewer regulations to comply with. LLC owners are not personally liable for the business’s debts or legal issues, so their personal assets are protected. Because business profits and losses are reported on the owners’ personal tax returns, filing tax returns is simple and taxes are usually lower than with other corporations.
A sole proprietorship is a one-person business that is considered the same legal entity as its owner. It is the most basic form of business. If you start a business and do not register as any other type of business entity, you are a sole proprietor by default. However, because you don’t have a separate business entity, you and your business are considered one and the same when it comes to debts, business credit, and legal liability. You are the sole business owner, make all the decisions, and personally bear all the responsibility.
A partnership is a business that has two or more co-owners and is typically governed by a partnership agreement. The most common types of partnerships business owners use are general partnerships and limited partnerships. (A third type, limited liability partnership, is typically used by professionals such as doctors or dentists.)
A general partnership is essentially a sole proprietorship, but with two or more partners. If you bring another owner into your sole proprietorship (for instance, your spouse joins your business), it becomes a general partnership, with no need to register with your state. As in a sole proprietorship, general partners are personally responsible for business debts and legal liabilities. General partners receive a share of the profits and pay self-employment taxes on that money, as well as income taxes.
A limited partnership is registered with the state and includes one or more general partners, as well as limited partners who are protected from legal and financial liability. General partners handle day-to-day business operations and decisions. In terms of liability and taxation, they’re treated the same as in a general partnership. Limited partners aren’t involved in daily operations or decision-making; they’re typically investors. Because their role is limited, so is their liability. Limited partners aren’t personally responsible for debts or legal issues of the business. They pay income tax on their profits from the business, but don’t pay self-employment tax.
The right business structure for you depends on a variety of factors, including:
You’re fresh out of college and start a part-time side gig selling handmade clothing on Etsy. You work out of your apartment and never meet customers in person.
Assessment: Since you don’t have a store or work with customers in person, and no one is likely to be injured by your wares, the risk of a lawsuit is slim. Because you don’t own a home and have few assets, you don’t have a lot to protect. Your business is only part-time and you don’t plan to look for a loan or investors.
Business structure: Keep it simple with a sole proprietorship. You can always change your business structure if the venture grows.
You’re launching a restaurant with your best friend. You’ve studied business, while she’s worked in restaurants her whole life. You plan to run it together; your wealthy uncle has agreed to finance the startup.
Assessment 1: Your uncle is contributing money, but nothing else. Because running a restaurant is time-consuming, you’d like to keep things simple in terms of paperwork and taxes.
Business structure 1: A limited partnership with your uncle as the general partner will protect his assets while keeping him out of the day-to-day decisions. There’s minimal documentation required, and you won’t have to file separate business taxes.
Assessment 2: Restaurants are risky, capital-intensive businesses. A customer could slip, fall, and sue you. Even with your uncle’s money, you might need a loan to tide you through a slow season.
Business structure 2: Even though it’s more time-consuming than forming a partnership, incorporating may make more sense. You and your partner can protect your assets and have an easier time getting business loans or business lines of credit.
You’ve started what you’re sure is the next big social media platform based on code you wrote in college. Private investors have already shown interest, and you think you can get venture capital. But you need to hire in a hurry to build out your idea. Even though you can’t pay employees much right now, visions of going public and becoming the world’s next billionaire dance in your head.
Assessment: Any business based on intellectual property is vulnerable to lawsuits from people who claim to have had your idea first. You want to raise large sums of money, but in the meantime, you need a way to compensate employees without cash. You have big dreams.
Business structure: A C corporation offers the most protection for your personal assets. You can issue stock to your first employees to make up for their low wages. As a C corp, it will be easier to get business loans, venture capital, and private investors—and eventually go public.
The business structure you select affects your legal and financial liability, taxes, fundraising potential, and more. Before making the decision, consider consulting with a small business expert. Small Business Development Centers and SCORE offices nationwide work in partnership with the Small Business Administration to provide free guidance from experienced business owners and advisers.
No matter what form of business you choose, your personal credit is a factor when you’re starting out. Check your credit report and credit score before applying for a business credit card in your company’s name. The card issuer will report your account to the three business credit bureaus: Experian, Dun & Bradstreet (D&B), and Equifax—your first step in establishing business credit.
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