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“Protect Yourself After a Car Accident: Key Actions to Take”


Steps to Take After a Car Accident

If you have been in a car accident, it’s crucial to ensure everyone’s safety and begin the insurance claim process correctly. To protect yourself and your finances, follow these seven steps after a car accident.

1. Get to Safety

Your safety and that of your passengers is paramount. If you’re still in the roadway, move yourself and your car (if it’s driveable) out of the path of oncoming traffic. Check for injuries and call 911 if anyone is hurt. If someone is seriously injured, it’s best not to move them. Turn on your hazard lights to increase visibility, especially on back roads or in the dark, and remain in your car until help arrives.

2. Call the Police

Even after a minor accident, it’s advisable to call the police. A police report can support your claim that you weren’t at fault. Additionally, a police officer on the scene can help keep emotions in check.

3. Take Photos

Once everyone is safe and the police have been called, start taking photos of the damage to your car and any other vehicles involved. Capture the surrounding area, including street signs, obstacles, and road conditions. These photos will assist your insurance company in their investigation.

4. Exchange Information With the Other Driver

If the police are not involved, exchange information with the other driver. Share the full name of the driver and the insured person (if different), contact information, insurance company name and policy number, driver’s license number, license plate number, and the make, color, and model of the vehicle. Avoid discussing fault at the scene.

5. Call Your Insurance Company

Contact your insurance company as soon as possible. Delaying can cause you to forget important details and prolong the compensation process. Each state and insurance company has different time frames for filing a claim, so check your policy for specifics.

6. You May Need to Notify the DMV

Depending on your state, you may need to report the accident to the DMV, especially if there were injuries or significant damage. For example, Wisconsin requires reporting if there is $1,000 or more in damage, while Oregon requires reporting within 72 hours if damage exceeds $2,500 or if someone was injured.

7. Wait—and Take Guidance From Your Insurer

After filing a claim, follow your insurance company’s guidance. They may send an inspector to assess the damage and provide a repair estimate. Do not approve repairs until your insurer has reviewed the costs. If your car is totaled, your insurer will likely pay for its value minus the deductible.

Being involved in a car accident is stressful, but following these steps can help ensure you receive the compensation you deserve. For any mortgage-related needs, call O1ne Mortgage at 213-732-3074. We’re here to assist you with confidence and expertise.


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