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Strategies to Avoid Late and Missed Payments


Understanding Late and Missed Payments: Protect Your Credit with O1ne Mortgage

In this article, we will cover:

  • What Is a Late Payment?
  • What Is a Missed Payment?
  • How Do Late Payments and Missed Payments Affect Your Credit?
  • How to Avoid Late and Missed Payments

While they may seem similar, late payments and missed payments are distinct. A late payment occurs when you pay after the due date but before the billing cycle ends. If it remains unpaid beyond that, it becomes a missed payment, which can negatively impact your credit report and score. Creditors handle late and missed payments differently, so understanding these differences is crucial for protecting your credit.

What Is a Late Payment?

A late payment happens when you make a payment after your account’s official due date. For credit cards or loans, this date is usually consistent each month. It’s essential to make your payment as soon as possible. If you don’t pay before the billing cycle ends, it will likely be considered a missed payment, potentially putting your account into delinquent status.

Delinquency levels vary, and each creditor has unique policies. Some may offer a grace period of several days or weeks before considering the account delinquent and reporting it to the credit bureaus (Experian, TransUnion, and Equifax). Even if it doesn’t reach that point, you can expect late fees.

What Is a Missed Payment?

If you haven’t made a payment during an entire billing cycle, typically 30 days, it’s considered a missed payment. The creditor will likely report this negative activity to the credit bureaus, which will appear on your credit reports and damage your credit scores. It’s wise to bring your account back into good standing as soon as possible to avoid further consequences, such as losing credit card rewards or facing increased interest rates.

When Does an Account Go Into Default?

Your account could go into default if you stop making payments and it becomes severely past due. The process varies depending on the account and lender, but here’s a typical default timeline:

  • Mortgage loans: After a single missed payment
  • Credit cards and personal loans: Three to six months after a missed payment
  • Most federal student loans: 270 days after a missed payment

Late Payment vs. Missed Payment

Late Payment Missed Payment
When you make a payment after the due date but before the billing cycle ends When you fail to make a payment during the account’s billing cycle
Some creditors give a grace period, but you’ll likely be charged a late fee Creditors typically report missed payments to the credit bureaus after 30 days of nonpayment
Generally won’t affect your credit A single missed payment will stay on your credit report for seven years

How Do Late Payments and Missed Payments Affect Your Credit?

The impact on your credit depends on how far behind you are on payments. A single missed payment will stay on your credit report for seven years, even if you get back on track. Restoring your account’s good standing can help you avoid further damage. Here’s a breakdown of how late and missed payments may affect your credit:

  • Less than 30 days late: A late payment made within the billing cycle, usually 30 days, should not affect your credit as it will not be reported to the credit bureaus.
  • 30-plus days late: The effect depends on your credit history. A single missed payment could cause a significant drop in your credit score if you have strong credit. If you already have a history of missed payments, your score may not drop as much.
  • 60-plus days late: A late payment made 60, 90, or 120 days after the due date will likely have a greater impact, especially if you have multiple past-due accounts. Most creditors charge off accounts delinquent for six months, creating another derogatory entry on your credit report. If the debt is sold to a collection agency, it will create another negative entry.

How to Avoid Late and Missed Payments

Here are a few simple ways to avoid late payments and keep your accounts in good standing:

  • Set up payment due date reminders on your phone or calendar.
  • Enroll in autopay.
  • Maintain a strong budget and plan ahead for your debt payments.
  • Revisit your budget if you experience a drop in income or new expenses.
  • If you think you might miss a payment, contact your lender ASAP to see if they can work with you.

The Bottom Line

A late or missed payment is never ideal, and a severely past-due account can significantly impact your credit. The good news is that you can take steps to remedy the situation and improve your credit score going forward. Free credit monitoring with Experian can help by alerting you to changes to your credit report—both good and bad.

For any mortgage-related needs, call O1ne Mortgage at 213-732-3074. Our team is here to help you navigate your financial journey with confidence.


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